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Translations of Western Texts

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Illustrated by a little-known pupil of Kyosai

An unrecorded Aesop's Fables triptych

Tsūzoku Isoppu Monogatari, dai hachi-gō-bu-zu [“Aesop's Fables: illustration of number eight”]

Yamamoto, Ryūdō [illustrated by].

Kanda, [Tōkyō]: Takekawa Seikichi, Meiji 10 [1877].


An unrecorded triptych by Yamamoto Ryūdō (1845-1913), a pupil of Kawanabe Kyōsai (1831-1889), of a story from Aesop's Fables. The triptych was produ ...

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A Japanese Translation of Bringing Up Father

Bringing Up Father: Jiggs and Maggie, First Collection

"親爺教育: ジグスとマギー, 第一輯"

McManus, George [created by].

Tōkyō : Asahi Shinbunsha, [Taishō 13 (1924)].


The first Japanese language collection of Bringing Up Father cartoons by American illustrator George McManus. Another collection (believed to be the last collection published in Japanese) was produced the following year. The book includes a pream ...

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One of the earliest books promoting women's rights published in Japan - Mill's 'Subjection of Women'

Danjo Dōkenron (On Equal Rights for Men and Women)

Danjo Dōkenron ["On Equal Rights for Men and Women"]

Miru [Mill, John Stuart] [original text by]; Fukamauchi, Motoi [translated by].

Tōkyō: Yamanaka Ichibē, Meiji 11 [1878].


The first Japanese translation of John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women (first published in London in 1869), containing the first two chapters of Mill's acclaimed text. ...

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Kurisumasu Karoru [A Christmas Carol]

Dickens's A Christmas Carol

Kurisumasu Karoru ["A Christmas Carol"]

Dickens, [Charles] [original text by]; Yaguchi, Tatsu [translated by].

Tōkyō : Uetake Shoin, Taishō 4 [1915].


An early Japanese edition of Dickens's classic novel by Yaguchi Tatsu (1889-1936), translator of works by Wilde, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Cervantes, Boccaccio, Thomas Hardy, D.H. Lawrence, Jack London, Hav ...

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The first Japanese translation of Mill's On Liberty

Jiyū no Kotowari (On Liberty)

Jiyū no Kotowari ["The Logic of Liberty"] = On Liberty

Mill, John Stuart [original text by]; Nakamura, Keitarō [Masanao] [translated by]; E.W.C. [Clark, Edward Warren] [preface by].

Suruga, Shizuoka: Kihira Ken'ichirō, Meiji Mizunoesaru [1872].


The first full Japanese translation of John Stuart Mill's On Liberty (originally published in London in ...

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A record of early correspondences between Japan and Russia, the Netherlands, and the US

Kaigai hiyō shūbunshū [Foreign secrets collected and reported]

Kaigai Hiyō Shūbunshū ["Foreign Secrets Collected and Reported"]

Shibukawa, Rokuzō ... [et al.] [original works by]; [Asano, Miyoshi (transcribed by)?].

[Nōshū, Iwate, ca. Kaei 7 (1854)]. Manuscript.


A compilation of records of letters and essays regarding attempts by Russia, the Netherlands, and North America to open Japan to trade. The index lists eig ...

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An American's Cultural and Linguistic Gaffes in Japan

Kokkei jitsuwa (Amusing true tales)

Kokkei Jitsuwa ["Amusing True Tales"] = A Foreigner's Blunders in Japan

Eastlake, F. Warrington [text by]; [translator unidentified].

Tōkyō : Kanasashi Horyudo, Meiji 36 [1903].


A collection of nineteen amusing stories of embarrassing cultural and linguistic blunders made in Japan by the author, Frederick Warrington Eastlake (1856-1905). Eastlake, an ...

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A socialist pamphlet by H.G. Wells

Kutsu no hiai (This misery of boots)

Kutsu no Hiai = This Misery of Boots

Wells, H.G. [original text by]; Ōya, Sōichi [translated by].

Tōkyō : Nihon Febian Kyōkai, Taishō 14 [1925].


A translation by journalist Ōya Sōichi (1900-1970) of a work published in 1907 by the socialist Fabian Society, of which Wells was a member. In the work - an extended edition of an article published in December ...

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Japan's first major encounter with Islam and the Prophet Muhammad

Mahometto-den (A Biography of Muhammad)

Mahometto-den ["A Biography of Muhammad"]

[Prideaux, Humphrey (original text by)]; Hayashi, Tadasu [translated by].

Tōkyō: Higashi Kan'ichi, Meiji 9 [1876].


The first biography of the Prophet Muhammad published in Japanese. The translator, diplomat Hayashi Tadasu (1850-1913), studied at University College School and King's College London between 18 ...

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A manuscript on the Moluccas, for the first time identified as a translation of François Valentijn's Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën (1724) and attributed to Nagasaki's Senior Interpreter Yoshio Kōsaku, friend of Titsingh, Thunberg, and Shiba Kōkan

Morikosu shotō wage daiichi [translated explanation of the Moluccas, first part]

Morikosu Shotō Wage Daiichi ["Translated Explanation of the Moluccas, First Part"]

[Valentyn, François (original text by)]; Yoshio, Kōsaku, Nishi, Kichibē [translated by].

[Japan, ca. mid to late Edo period (1780-1830s)?]. Manuscript.


An abridged translation of the first chapter of the Uitvoerige Beschryving Der Vyf Moluccos volume of Oud en Nieuw O ...

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Sokuratesu ["Socrates"]

On Socrates

Sokuratesu ["Socrates"]

Saiki, Sensui [text by].

Tōkyō : Keibunkan, Taishō 4 [1915].


The opening of Japan to trade brought an influx of Western books and a Renaissance-like discovery of the works of classical Greek and Roman philosophers to Japan. This book, more of a biography than a translation of Socrates's oeuvre, was produced by Saiki Sensui (18 ...

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A Path to Dutch Learning

On the Dutch Language, for Scholars of Medicine

Rangaku Kei ["A Path to Dutch Learning"]

Fujibayashi, Jundō [Fuzan] [text by].

[Japan: publisher unidentified, postscript dated Bunka 7 (1810)].


Believed to be a retitled edition of Yakken Hanrei Narabini Fugen (" ...

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An early translation of Peter Pan

Pītā Pan (Peter Pan)

Pītā Pan ["Peter Pan"]

Barrie, James Matthew [original text by]; Kikuchi, Kan, Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke [translated by]; Ichiki, Ton, Katō, Masao [illustrated by]. 

Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, Shōwa 4 [1929].


An early Japanese edition of Peter Pan, translated by two of the most acclaimed Japanese novelists of the twentieth century, Kikuchi Kan (1888-1948) and A ...

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Poems by Edgar Allan Poe

Pō Shishū (A Collection of Poems by Poe)

Pō Shishū ["A Collection of Poems by Poe"]

Poe, Edgar Allan [original text by]; Wakameda, Takeji [translated by].

Tōkyō : Etsuzandō , Taishō 12 [1923]. Third edition.


An early Japanese translation of poems by Edgar Allan Poe. The translator, Wakameda, also helped to produce a Japanese translation of The Merchant of Venice in 1913 and an English t ...

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An early translation of a Sherlock Holmes mystery: Conan Doyle's 'A study in scarlet'

Rondon tsūshin: shin inyō hakase (London news: new yin-and-yang professor)

Rondon tsūshin: shin inyō hakase ["London news: new yin-and-yang professor"] in Bungei kurabu ["Literature club"]

Conan Doyle, Arthur [original text by]; Hara, Hōitsuan [translated by].

Tōkyō: Hakubunkan, Meiji 33 [1900].


An issue of Bungei Kurabu ("Literature Club") featuring an early translation of Arthur Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet, one of the ...

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A Western Tsurezuregusa, with selections from Chamfort, Hobbes, Reed, and Disraeli

Seiyō Tsurezuregusa (A Western Tsurezuregusa)

Seiyō Tsurezuregusa ["A Western Tsurezuregusa"]

Murai, Chinushi, Ōhashi, Eizō [translated and edited by].

Tōkyō : Hokubunkan, Taishō 4 [1915].


A collection of English epigrams by four Western authors with parallel translations in Japanese. The authors featured are Sébastien-Roch Nicolas Chamfort (1741-1794), John Oliver Hobbes (Pearl Mary Teres ...

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Sherlock Holmes mysteries

Shārokku Hōmuzu no omoide, Shārokku Hōmuzu: saigo no aisatsu, (and) Shārokku Hōmuzu no eichi

Shārokku Hōmuzu no omoide ["The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes"] [with] Shārokku Hōmuzu: saigo no aisatsu ["His last bow"] [and] Shārokku Hōmuzu no eichi ["The intellect of Sherlock Holmes"] 

Doyle, Arthur Conan [original text by]; Nobuhara, Ken [translated by]. 

Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, Shōwa 36 [1961]. 


Three books of Sherlock Holmes adventure ...

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The definitive pre-war translation of Marx's Das Kapital

Shihonron (Das Kapital)

Shihonron ["Das Kapital"]

Marx, Karl [original text by]; Takabatake, Motoyuki [translated by].

Tōkyō: Kaizōsha, Shōwa 2-3 [1927-1928].


One of the earliest complete Japanese translations of Das Kapital. The translator, Takabatake Motoyuki (1886-1928), discovered an English edition of Marx's work during time he spent in jail for an article on the 1908 po ...

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The first Japanese translation of Hobbes's Leviathan

Shukenron: Eikoku gakushi Hobbusu-cho (Theory of Sovereignty: by the English Scholar Hobbes)

Shukenron: Eikoku gakushi Hobbusu-cho ["Theory of Sovereignty: by the English Scholar Hobbes"]

Hobbes, Thomas [original text by]; Monbushō [edited by].

[Tōkyō]: Monbushō Henshū-kyoku, Meiji 16 [1883].


The first published translation of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil (1651) in Japa ...

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On the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871

The Great War of 1870 between France and Germany

The Great War of 1870 between France and Germany = Sen-happyaku-shichi-jū-nen Haifutsu Senki

Brockett, L.P. [original text by]; Sugawara, Toshio [translated by]; Hosokawa, Junjirō [corrections by].

Tōkyō: Suharaya Mohē, Meiji 4 [1871].


A Japanese translation of a work of the same English title on the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) by Linus Pierpont Br ...

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Aesop's Fables, illustrated by Kawanabe Kyōsai

Tsūzoku Isoppu Monogatari (Aesop's Popular Fables)

Tsūzoku Isoppu Monogatari ["Aesop's Popular Fables"] 

Aesop [original fables by]; Watanabe, Tazunu [translated by]; Fujisawa, Bainan, Sakaki, Kōson, Kawanabe, Kyōsai, [Tenniel, Sir John], [Wolf, Joseph] [illustrated by]. 

Tōkyō: Watanabe Tazunu [printing blocks owned by], Yamashiroya Sahē [distributed by], Meiji 5-6 [1872-1873].


The most wid ...

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An illustrated record of Christian history, complete in six volumes

Yaso Ichidai Benmōki (A Refutation of the Life of Jesus)

Yaso Ichidai Benmōki ["A Refutation of the Life of Jesus"]

Tajima, Shōji [text by]; Sensai [Kobayashi], Eitaku [illustrated by].

Tōkyō: Izumiya Hanbē, Nintensha [printing blocks owned by], Meiji 7-8 [1874-1875].


A Japanese adaptation of Samuel G. Goodrich's pseudonymous Peter Parley’s Universal History, with a strong emphasis on Christian hist ...

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A Taishō era translation of The Gospel of St. Mark

Zokugo Mako-den: shinyaku seisho (St. Mark in Japanese Colloquial)

Zokugo Mako-den: shinyaku seisho = St. Mark in Japanese Colloquial [sic]

[Translator unidentified]. 

Yokohama: Beikoku Seisho Kaisha = American Bible Society, Taishō 3 [1914].


A Taishō era translation of The Gospel of St. Mark into Japanese, published as a small pamphlet (12.7 x 9.4 cm) by the American Bible Society in Yokohama. H.W. Schwartz (Rev. He ...

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An explanatory diagram of the heliocentric model

Chōko Kyūridō Shōhon Chiten Shinzu (New Diagram of the Earth Revolving)

Chōko Kyūridō Shōhon Chiten Shinzu ["New Diagram of the Earth Revolving"] 

Tsurumine, Shigenobu [created by].

[Japan: publisher unidentified], Bunsei 10 [1827].


An astronomical chart of the solar system created by Tsurumine Shigenobu (1788-1859), a scholar of mathematics, astronomy, and Japanese, Chinese and Western literature. In 1832, at the age of ...

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Photographic illustrations of Frank Lloyd Wright's works, published in Japan

Furanku Roido Raito Sakuhinshū: 1 (First Collection of Frank Lloyd Wright's Works)

Furanku Roido Raito Sakuhinshū: 1 ["First Collection of Frank Lloyd Wright's Works"] 

[Wright, Frank Lloyd (original illustrations by)]; Takanashi, Yoshitarō [edited by]; [Mendelsohn, Erich (original text by)].

Tōkyō: Kōyōsha, Taishō 15 [1926].


The first collection (of five) of this scarce early Japanese work on the buildings designed by the a ...

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A Translation of the Iliad and Odyssey

Hōmā Monogatari (Tales from Homer)

Hōmā Monogatari ["Tales from Homer"]

Homer [original works attributed to]; Kikuchi, Kan [translated by]; Honda, Shōtarō, Unno [Umino?], Seikō, Asano, Kaoru [illustrated by].

Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjūsha, Shōwa 4 [1929].


A highly illustrated translation by celebrated author Kikuchi Kan (1888-1948) of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Two colour illustrated plates, ...

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Japanese translations of Dorothy Wall's classic Australian Blinky Bill series

Itazura Burinkī (Naughty Blinky), Ōkikunatta Burinkī (Blinky Grows Up), Burinkī to Nattsī (Blinky and Nutsy)

Itazura Burinkī ["Naughty Blinky"]; Ōkikunatta Burinkī ["Blinky Grows Up"]; Burinkī to Nattsī ["Blinky and Nutsy"]

Uōru, Doroshī [Wall, Dorothy] [original text and illustrations by]; Ide, Hiroko [translated by].

Tōkyō: Dōshinsha, Shōwa 48-59 [1973-1984]. 


A complete set of three highly illustrated books from the Burinkī Biru no Boken ("The Adve ...

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A Western-Style Puzzle Book

Ninety New Movable Puzzles

Seiyō Chie Ita Zukai Tsuketaru Zu Tehon = Ninety New Moveable Puzzles

Itabe, Masashichi [translated by].

Ōsaka: [Kanshōdō], Meiji 10 [1877].


An illustrated introduction to Western-style movable puzzles for Japanes ...

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A Biography of Columbus

On Christopher Columbus

Koronbisu Denki ["A Biography of Columbus"]

Hirooka, Haruki [Torajirō] [translated by].

[Kumamoto?]: Seiunrō, Meiji 3 [1870].


A scarce early-Meiji text on Christopher Columbus, with two woodblock-printed illustrat ...

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The first full Japanese translation of Darwin's 'On the origin of species'

Seibutsu shigen: ichimei shugenron (Origin of living things: or, in another name, an origin of species)

Seibutsu shigen: ichimei shugenron ["Origin of living things: or, in another name, an origin of species"]

Darwin, Charles [original text by]; Tachibana, Senzaburō [translated by].

Tōkyō: Keizai Zasshisha, Meiji 29 [1896]. First edition.


The first full Japanese translation of Darwin's On the origin of species, published around nine ...

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Poster for a Meiji performance of Hamlet

Shinha Shinengeki Segidan Ichiza Hamuretsuto (Hamlet, Staged by the New School New Theatre Justice Troupe)

Shinha Shinengeki Segidan Ichiza Hamuretsuto ["Hamlet, Staged by the New School New Theatre Justice Troupe"]

Shakespeare, William [original text by]; Yamagishi, Kayō, Doi, Shunsho [translated by].

[Japan: creator unidentified, ca. late Meiji period (before 1909)].


A Meiji era poster for a performance by the Seigi-dan troupe of Shakespeare's Hamlet, wit ...

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