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[Koshōtei, Sanjin (edited by).
Kyōto: Maria Gabō, ca. early Shōwa period (1920-30s)].
Four colour woodblock-printed reproductions of book-envelopes and wrappers of kusazōshi books, affixed at the edges to make one large leaf. The illustrations are probably from Sōshi Monyōshū (草紙文様集), a collection published in the early Shōwa period by Maria Gabō.
& ...
[Four untitled woodblock prints from Sekka's Ashide-e]
[Kamisaka, Sekka (illustrated by)].
[Kyōto: Kamisaka Yoshiaki, Shōwa 19 (1944)].
Four (of six) ashide-e designed by Kamisaka Sekka (1866–1942), from Ashide-e: Sekka Isaku ("Ashide Illustrations: Posthumous Works by Sekka"). Sekka intended the six prints in Ashide-e to be used as a secon ...
福引口訛絵 [Fukubiki Kuchinamari-e, “A Lottery Illustration of Provincialisms”]
Nagoya, Aichi: Tsukamoto Sutesaburō, [ca. Meiji 37 (1904)].
This print depicting famous figures of the early 1900s may have been used as a paper "board" game for gambling. The illustration uses a bright red pigment characteristic of Meiji period prints and features mil ...
Fūryū Itsutsu Karigane ["The Refined Karigane Five"]
Gototei [Utagawa], Kunisada [illustrated by].
[Tōkyō]: Izumi Ichi [Izumiya Ichibē], [ca. Bunsei 11 - Tenpō 2 (1828-1831)].
A complete pentatych by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865) featuring five beautiful women as the Itsutsu Karigane - the "five karigane blood-brothers" or the "Karigan ...
Goshomotsu ["Books"]
Kashiwaraya Takesuke [produced by].
Ōsaka: Kashiwaraya Takesuke, [ca. late Edo (1830-40s?)].
A woodblock-printed advertisement for the Osaka-based bookseller Kashiwaraya Takesuke, a firm which was active from the mid-seventeenth century to the late nineteenth century. The leaf advertises Chinese books, Japanese books, scriptures, "sto ...
Hakurei gakuhyō ["Pleasurable critiques by the Hakurei"]
[Creator unidentified].
[Tōkyō?: Hakureisō-ren, ca. late Edo to early Meiji period (1770-1870s)?].
A carved woodblock used to print advertisements for a poetry competition. The text seems to invite submissions for the contest, which is to be judged by Senryū Sōshō (possibly Karai Senryū (1718-1790 ...
[Hanging scroll depicting Jurōjin]
[Artist unidentified].
[Japan, ca. Edo period (late 18th to early 19th century?)]. In manuscript.
A hanging scroll depicting Jurōjin, the god of longevity and one of the Shichifukujin (Seven Gods of Fortune). Some of the lines that make up the illustration are thought to be hiragana characters spelling out the god's n ...
Hashimotoya Shiraito no Hanashi ["The Story of Shiraito of Hashimoto-ya"]
[Tsukioka], Yoshitoshi [illustrated by].
Bakurochō, [Tōkyō]: Tsunajima Kamekichi, Meiji 19 [1886].
An ōban diptych of the courtesan Shiraito at the Hashimoto-ya pleasure house, from the Shinsen Azuma Nishiki-e ("Newly Selected Brocade Pictures of the East") series by the acclaimed uk ...
Hitojichi Henkan: Jizai Kyōikuhō Zukai ["Transformation of a Person's Temperament: Free Education Method, Illustrated"]
Mihara, Muneaki [book being advertised authored by].
Okayama: Ritsuma Akiko, [ca. Meiji 21 (1888)].
A copperplate-engraved advertisement for the publication of a work on phrenology by Mihara Muneaki. The misspelled English subt ...
Momose, Susumu [text by].
Tōkyō : Kinseidō , Shōwa 8 [1933]. First edition.
One of the earliest Japanese cocktail books, containing information on the history of cocktails, notes on mixing liquors, illustrations of implements used in bartending, and, of course, many cocktail recipes.
Original boards, minor wear t ...
[Homage to Ono Otsū's moji-e]
Ono-shi, Tsūjo [original illustration by]; [hand-copier unidentified].
[Japan, ca. Edo period (18th to early 19th century?)]. In manuscript.
A hand-painted copy by an unknown admirer of an illustration of the waka poet Kakinomoto no Hitomaro (sometimes known as Hitomaru, c. 653–655–c. 707– ...
Kōchōrō, Kunisada [Utagawa, Kunisada III (illustrated by)]; Kawatake, Shinshichi III [original play by].
Nihonbashi, [Tōkyō] : Fukuda Kumajirō, Meiji 22 [1889].
A triptych by Utagawa Kunisada III (1848–1920) depicting the most famous scene from the kabuki play Tsutamoyō Chizome no Goshuin (蔦模様血染御書, “The Ivy-Patterned Bl ...
Tsutsumimono Orikata Hinagata ["Examples of Ways to Fold Envelopes"]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan, ca. Meiji period (1868-1911)?].
A collection of 54 samples of papers folded in specific ways for various occasions. Rules for the correct pre ...
Kokkei Retsuden ["Biographies of Jesters"]
[Sima, Qian (original text by)]; Hamamura, Zōroku II [owned and/or copied by].
[Hyōgo?], Kansei 12 [1800]. Manuscript, on woodblockprinted stationery.
A kanbun rendering in manuscript of Guji Liezhuan ("The Biographies of Jesters"), volume 126 of the Shiji ("Records of the Grand Historian") by Sima Qian (c. 145-8 ...
[百人一首歌留多 (Hyakunin Isshu Karuta, “Cards of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets”)]
[Keisai, Eisen (illustrated by)].
[Tōkyō]: Shiba Senichi, [ca. 1850-60s].
A complete set of two hundred uncut hyakunin isshu cards (one hundred poem cards and one hundred poet cards) in eight leaves. The publisher and printer was Shiba Senichi (芝泉市), ...
Jurin Shomoku ["Catalogue of Works from the Ranks of Confucian Scholars"]
[Compiler unidentified].
[Japan, ca. Meiji to Taishō period (1880-1910s)?]. In manuscript.
A manuscript catalogue listing texts composed or edited by Japanese Confucian and Neo-Confucian philosophers including but not limited to Hayashi Razan (Dōshun, 1583-1657), Hayashi Gahō ( ...
Kaika Shindai Toppyō Shiwa ["Outrageous Poems and Stories: New Titles for a Civilised Age"]
Ryūsuitei, Tanekiyo [text by]; Seisei [Kawanabe], Kyōsai [illustrated by].
Tōkyō: Ryūshindō ... [et al.], Meiji 13 [1880].
A complete set of this collection of humorous poems illustrated with comical and risqué scenes by Kyōsai. The books are d ...
Kaiunbashi Daiichi Ginkō ["Kaiunbashi Bridge and the First National Bank"]
Kobayashi, Kiyochika [illustrated by].
[Japan: publisher unidentified, ca. early to mid-twentieth century?].
A later printing or re-carved edition of arguably Kiyochika's most famous work: a snowy scene featuring the First National Bank and Kaiunbashi Bridge in Tokyo. A se ...
Kanadehon Chūshingura, Dai-Kudanme ["The Treasury of Loyal Retainers: Act Nine"]
Kōchōrō [Utagawa], Kunisada [illustrated by].
[Edo (Tōkyō)]: Yorozuya Kichibē, [ca. Edo period (1830-40s?)].
A scene from Act 9 of Kanadehon Chūshingura, one of Japan's most popular plays, illustrated by Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III, 1786–1864). The work seems ...
Kanzeon Reigenki Hyakuban Mokuroku ["Record of the Miracles of Kannon: Index of the One Hundred Pilgrimage Sites"]
Ōju Mantei, Ōga [text by]; [Utagawa], Toyokuni [III], [Utagawa], Hiroshige [II] [illustrated by].
[Edo (Tōkyō): Nanden Nisanshō, Ansei 6 (1859)].
The index print for a series of nishiki-e listing one hundred temples from three pil ...
木曽路之山川 [Kisoji no Yamakawa, “Mountain River on the Kiso Road”]
[Utagawa], Hiroshige I [illustrated by].
[Japan: unidentified publisher, ca. early to mid-20th century].
A set of three unused postcards delicately woodblock-printed with Hiroshige's famous illustration of the snowy Kiso Valley. Originally printed in 1857, Mountain River o ...
Kokkei Jitsuwa ["Amusing True Tales"] = A Foreigner's Blunders in Japan
Eastlake, F. Warrington [text by]; [translator unidentified].
Tōkyō : Kanasashi Horyudo, Meiji 36 [1903].
A collection of nineteen amusing stories of embarrassing cultural and linguistic blunders made in Japan by the author, Frederick Warrington Eastlake (1856-1905). Eastlake, an ...
Kokkei Usaharashi ["Humorous Distractions"]
Itō, Kyōtō ... [et al.] [text by].
Tōkyō: Kokkeidō, Meiji 15 [1882].
Issue seven of Kokkei Usaharashi, a magazine of short stories and kyōka, haiku, and dodoitsu poems. The publishing house that produced the magazine, Kokkeidō, was owned by Akiyama Buemon (d. 1900), a pupil of Tsukioka Yoshitoshi and ...
[Katsushika?], Masahisa [illustrated by].
Tōkyō : [publisher illegible], Meiji 15 [1882].
An engrossing triptych featuring over three hundred famous people engaged in bouts of kubihiki. Kubihiki was a Japanese game in which a looped string was placed around the necks of two people and a trial of strength would ensue. In this work, cel ...
Kudanzaka Satsuki no yoru ["A night in May at Kudanzaka Hill"]
Kobayashi, Kiyochika [illustrated by].
[Japan: publisher unidentified, ca. early to mid-twentieth century?].
A later printing or re-carved edition of Kiyochika's illustration of a rainy night at Kudanzaka. Figures seem to disappear off the edge of the world as they descend the steps i ...
Kyōsai Rakuga ["Kyōsai's Drawings for Pleasure"]
Kawanabe, Dōiku [Kyōsai] [illustrated by].
Tōkyō: Takeda Den'emon, Meiji 14 [1881].
A delicately woodblock-printed album of 34 double-page illustrations of plants, flowers, and animals by Kyōsai. Kyōsai's distinctively comical style is largely absent from this work; instead, he showcases ...
Kyū no tsukihi: shinpan hanji-e ["Days of the old (lunar) calendar: new edition puzzle-picture"]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan: publisher unidentified, Meiji 22 (1889)?].
Egoyomi ("picture-calendars") or Nanbu goyomi ("Nanbu calendars") were originally produced in the Edo period for illiterate people and grew in popularity as privately printed New ...
Majinai Hyakkajo ["One Hundred Charms"]
[Author/s and illustrator/s unidentified].
[Japan: publisher unidentified, ca. late Edo period (1840-60s?)].
A collection of one hundred spells (majinai), "revised and reprinted", for medical ailments like toothache, earache, chilblains, colds, seasickness, burns, and insect and dog bites. Other charms address ...
Makura Jidō: kabukiza shinkyōgen ["Makura Jidō: new kyōgen at the kabuki theatre"]
Kōchōrō [Utagawa Kunisada III] [illustrated by].
[Japan: publisher unidentified, Meiji 25 (1892)?].
A triptych by Utagawa Kunisada III (1848–1920) depicting the eponymous Kiku Jidō (Jidō of the Chrysanthemum, also known as Jidō of the Headrest) from the play Makura Jid ...
Minken Hizakurige ["A Journey Through Civil Rights"]
Seizaburō, Kida [text by]; Suita, Dōshi [Tajima, Shōji] [preface by]; Seisei [Kawanabe], Kyōsai [illustrated by].
Tōkyō: Kinkōdō, Meiji 15 [1882].
The first series (all published) of this work satirising the political debate around civil rights and democracy (the Jiyū Minken Undō (Freedom an ...
Mitate Hakkei: Yashima Sekishō ["Selection for the Eight Views: Evening Glow at Yashima"]
Ichiyusai [Utagawa], Kuniyoshi [illustrated by].
[Shibamishima-cho, (Tokyo)]: Wakasaya, [1846].
An unusual triptych from Kuniyoshi's Selection for the Eight Views series, featuring a scene from the Battle of Yashima of the warrior monk Benkei peering through ...
Mizugaki manji sōshi ["Notebooks for brush-andwater calligraphy"]
Asai, Shigemitsu [produced by].
Tōkyō: Manjidō, Meiji 17 [1884].
A Meiji period advertisement for mizugaki paper produced by the Tokyo firm Manjidō. Mizugaki is a type of calligraphy practice in which the brush is dipped in water instead of ink.
One loose leaf, printe ...
Mongata Kiriyō-den ["Stencils for Crest-Cutting"]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan: publisher unidentified, ca. mid-Meiji period (1870-90s)?].
A playful woodblock-printed work on cutting kamon (family crests) from folded paper in a process called monkiri ("crest-cutting"). This process involves cutting out the desired template from the book, laying it on to ...
Monyo shōhin ["Small patterns"]
[Tsuda, Seifū (illustrated by)]; Honda, Ichijirō [edited by].
Kyōto: Honda Unkindō, Meiji 33-[35] [1900-(1902)].
A two-volume compendium of woodblock-printed designs and patterns illustrated by the acclaimed graphic designer Tsuda Seifū (1880–1978) and produced by the famous design book publisher Unkindō.& ...
Namamugi Jiken no Tenmatsu: Machibure Ikken no Utsushi ["Copy of the Official Notices on the Details of the Namamugi Incident"]
[Scribe unidentified].
[Japan, ca. Bunkyū period (1860s)?].
A manuscript compilation of records of the arrival of British warships in Yokohama in 1863 following the Namamugi Incident. On the 14th of September 1862, the British me ...
[Illustrator unidentified].
[Tōkyō]: Shiseidō, [ca. 1900-1920s].
A chiyogami paper illustrated with a design for yūzen dyeing of waves, flowers, and shallow sake cups marked with the character 壽 ("lucky"), woodblock-printed with a metallic pigment.
One leaf, complete. Browned, light creases, a few bumps to extremities ...
Nigatsu Yōka Kinshō no Hito Uke ni Iri ["February 8th, Luck to Those Born Under the Metal Element"]
[Kawanabe], Kyōsai [illustrated by].
Nihonbashi, [Tōkyō]: Takekawa Seikichi, [ca. Meiji period (1875-1890)?].
Uke-e - lucky prints - were presents sent to people entering their year of luck (whether a year was lucky for an individual was divined using ...
"和洋奇人傳 初編"
Jōno, Takashige [text by], Ochiai [Utagawa], Yoshiiku [illustrations by].
Tōkyō : Sanshobō , Meiji 5 [1872].
An international take on the kijinden ("eccentric figures" or "extraordinary figures") genre, featuring portraits and brief biographies of a total of 37 Japanese and Western figures, including Alexis de Tocqueville, John Britto ...
Ōiri ["Full House"]
Kubo, [first name illegible] [produced by]; Sogai [illustrated by?].
Kōbe: Shinyūren, [ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1910-30s)?].
A set of six woodblock-printed match labels featuring illustrations possibly associated with kabuki or another form of traditional performance. The term ōiri (大入) which appears on each of the match car ...
Ōmi hakkei ["Eight views of Ōmi"]
[Artist unidentified].
[Japan: publisher unidentified, ca. late Edo to early Meiji period (1840-70s)?].
A set of eight woodblock-printed nishiki-e featuring the famed Eight views of Ōmi (Ōmi hakkei). The prints use the same circular theme, decorative circular border, and poems employed by Utagawa Toyohiro in his Eight view ...
[Documents Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (text by)].
[Ibaraki, Japan], Meiji 4 [1871]. Manuscript.
A handwritten draft or record of a text produced by authorities regarding the granting of official licenses to booksellers, on stationery woodblock-printed by the Koga Domain (present day Ibaraki Prefecture).
Two folded leaves, considerab ...
Sokuratesu ["Socrates"]
Saiki, Sensui [text by].
Tōkyō : Keibunkan, Taishō 4 [1915].
The opening of Japan to trade brought an influx of Western books and a Renaissance-like discovery of the works of classical Greek and Roman philosophers to Japan. This book, more of a biography than a translation of Socrates's oeuvre, was produced by Saiki Sensui (18 ...
Rangaku Kei ["A Path to Dutch Learning"]
Fujibayashi, Jundō [Fuzan] [text by].
[Japan: publisher unidentified, postscript dated Bunka 7 (1810)].
Believed to be a retitled edition of Yakken Hanrei Narabini Fugen (" ...
Kirishitan Kikigaki ["A Verbatim Account of the Christians"]
[Author and transcriber unidentified].
[Japan, ca. late Edo to early Meiji period (1850-70s)?]. Manuscript.
A collection of writings about the Jesuit presence in Japan in the 16th and early 17th centuries. The manuscript begins with a brief description of the arrival of Christians (Jesuits) in Ja ...
Hokujoryo kigen shōsho ["Origins of the northern pleasure district, abridged"]
Shōji [Nishida], Katsutomi [original text by].
[Japan, ca. Ganji period (1864-1865)?]. Manuscript.
An abridged manuscript version of Hokujoryo kigen - an edition of Ihon Dōbō Goen ("Sequel to A garden of words from the boudoir", 1733) with additions by poet Ishihara Toryū (or T ...
[Collection of Oshi-e Templates]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan, ca. early to mid-Meiji period (1860-1880s)?].
A collection of 157 envelopes housing paper templates used to make oshi-e (raised pictures made with padded cloth). The templates would have been affixed to thick cloth, which would then have been cut to the same size as the paper. The ...
[Untitled Collection of Match Labels]
[Japan: various publishers, ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1910-30s)].
A collection of over five hundred Japanese product labels from the 1920s and 1930s, tipped-in to a photograph album. Most of the labels ar ...
[Japan: publishers unidentified, ca. Edo period (19th century)].
A collection of twenty woodblockprinted mamori, woodblock-printed paper amulets usually sold at temples and shrines. Most of the amulets record what the buyer will be protected from, and several are enclosed in woodblockprinted 'envelopes'.
Twenty paper amulets. Creases, mark ...
Ōsaka: [Yamakichi?], ca. early Meiji period (1870-90s)].
A set of three paper templates for cutting materials to make tabi socks or jika-tabi (shoe-like tabi), woodblock-printed with instructions. The templates have been sewn together and may have been sold as a set in this format.
Three templates, sewn together, with an accompanying hand-inscribed ...
[Japan]: Shimomura, [ca. late Meiji to Taishō period (1900-20s)?].
An unusual image possibly featuring the son of the photographer.
One card, photograph tipped-in. Scrapes, light foxing, a few marks. 24.2 x 18.3 cm.
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