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[A child's jinbaori coat decorated with peaches and crests]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan, ca. Edo period (17th to mid-19th century)?].
A child's decorative surcoat or overcoat for use outdoors, with kamon crests sewn on the back. The cute peach design on the front alludes to the popular tale of Momotaro, and this design and the jacket's size ...
[A lady's chatelaine pencil case, with Japanese motifs]
[Craftsperson unidentified].
[S.l., ca. 19th century?].
A beautiful chatelaine pencil case, possibly Victorian, featuring distinctly Japanese motifs. The pencil case would have been attached to a chain hung from a decorative belt clasp (chatelaine). Useful household items like scissors and keys co ...
[A "third type" decree banning Christianity, issued by the Meiji government]
[Japan]: Daijō-kan, Keiō 4 [1868]. Wooden placard.
In Keiō 4 (1868), the first year of Meiji, the newly formed Meiji government issued five official decrees or notices (the Gobō no Keiji) to be displayed on wooden placards across Japan. The third decree enforced a strict prohibition of Ki ...
[Album of works by calligraphers and artists]
Seishū, Baien, Tekiho, Keiho, ... [et al.] [illustrations and calligraphy by].
[Japan, ca. late Meiji to Taishō period (1900-20s)?]. In manuscript.
An album of elegant hand-painted illustrations and calligraphy by a range of little-known Japanese artists and calligraphers. The album contains seven double-page ...
[Japan: workshop unidentified, ca. mid-Meiji period (1870-1900s)].
An opulent serving dish patterned with floral devices and book motifs. An apocryphal Chinese 'Chenghua' mark reading Daimin Seika nen sei (“made during the Chenghua reign of the Great Ming Dynasty”) adorns the base. This mark was used on Chinese ceramics and employed by Edo era Japanese ...
[Untitled obi]
[(Japan?): maker unidentified, ca. Shōwa period (20th century)].
A Shōwa period obi featuring multiple gold and silver book wrappers with elaborate patterns.
One obi. Light blue-grey underside. Approximately 434 x 31 cm.
...[An untitled work based on the Kachikachi-yama folktale]
Kobayashi, Kiyochika [signature and seal of].
[Japan, ca. mid-Meiji period (1870-1900s?)]. In manuscript.
A playful hand-painted fan paper with a signature and seal attributed to the ukiyo-e artist Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915). The design is based on the folktale Kachikachi-yama and shows a tanuki ...
[Ca. late Edo period (early to mid-1800s)]. Manuscript.
“Alongside the closely-allied music practice of gagaku, the establishment of the bugaku tradition during the Nara (710-794) and Heian (794-1185) periods reflected a growing interest in cultural and religious practices outside Japan and became part of the Japanese imperial court's broad ...
[Embroidered purse]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan, ca. mid to late Edo period (1800-1850s?)].
An ornate purse from the Edo period, hand-embroidered with purple and white irises. The string and small fabric bauble attached to the purse are more recent, possibly from the mid to late twentieth century.
One fabric purs ...
Emon: okunizome ["Patterns for okunizome dyeing"]
[Iwao, Joshun (illustrated by)?].
[Japan, ca. late Meiji period to early Shōwa period (1880-1920s)?]. Manuscript.
A manuscript of forty designs (including 23 in colour) for okunizome textile dyeing. Okunizome, later referred to as Kaga yūzen or Kaga okunizome, was a dyeing technique predominantly use ...
[Hand-painted fan design]
Inouye, Toshio [produced and/or hand-painted by].
Kyōto: Toshio Inouye, [ca. late Meiji to early Shōwa period (1900-20s)?].
A hand-painted draft of an elegant fan design produced by "Toshio Inouye" of Kyoto (probably a fan shop or design studio). The design has been painted on fabric and shows strong Art Nouveau influences; ...
[Hand-painted fan design]
Inouye, Toshio [produced and/or hand-painted by].
Kyōto: Toshio Inouye, [ca. late Meiji to early Shōwa period (1900-20s)?].
A hand-painted draft of an elegant fan design produced by "Toshio Inouye" of Kyoto (probably a fan shop or design studio). The design has been painted on fabric and shows strong Art Nouveau influences; ...
[A manuscript album of designs for inrō and other objects]
[Artist unidentified].
[Japan, ca. late Edo period (1830-50s?)]. Manuscript.
A collection of over ninety delicately hand-painted designs for inrō (small containers for tobacco and medicine hung on the belt), menuki (metal fittings for sword hilts), tsuba (hand guards for swords), and other metal, i ...
[Hanging scroll depicting Jurōjin]
[Artist unidentified].
[Japan, ca. Edo period (late 18th to early 19th century?)]. In manuscript.
A hanging scroll depicting Jurōjin, the god of longevity and one of the Shichifukujin (Seven Gods of Fortune). Some of the lines that make up the illustration are thought to be hiragana characters spelling out the god's n ...
Hōkyū gafu ["Hōkyū's sketchbook"]
Hōkyū, Gakei [illustrated by]; Kakumei, [Takeuchi?] [preface by].
[Japan, preface dated Mizunotoushi (Kaei 6 (1853) or Taishō 2 (1913))]. Manuscript.
A hand-painted album of nanga-style illustrations by Hōkyū (or Kataoka) Gakei, about whom no information was traced online. The album contains 16 double-page and 3 ...
[Homage to Ono Otsū's moji-e]
Ono-shi, Tsūjo [original illustration by]; [hand-copier unidentified].
[Japan, ca. Edo period (18th to early 19th century?)]. In manuscript.
A hand-painted copy by an unknown admirer of an illustration of the waka poet Kakinomoto no Hitomaro (sometimes known as Hitomaru, c. 653–655–c. 707– ...
Inpu ["Book of seals"]
[Artist illegible].
[Japan, Meiji 23-24 (1890-91)]. Manuscript.
A manuscript of over one hundred tippedin designs for company and product label seals. The first 48 illustrations are for basic designs, probably to be shown to customers as a catalogue. The designs that follow feature the names of stores and products (such as souvenirs ...
[Meika shoga shunjū-jō ("Spring and autumn album of calligraphy and illustrations by the masters")]
[Shibata], Zeshin ... [et al.] [illustrated by]; Saigō, Takamori ... [et al.] [calligraphy by].
Tōkyō: Fukuendō, Meiji 13 [1880].
A volume of alternating double-page spreads of woodblock-printed calligraphy by eminent political figures and double-p ...
Shogachō ["Album of calligraphy and illustrations"]
Taki, Katei ... [et al.] [illustrated by]; Yamaoka, Tesshū ... [et al.] [calligraphy by].
Tōkyō: Asano Eizō, Meiji 11 [1878].
A volume of eight woodblock-printed bunjin-ga style illustrations of landscapes, animals, and flowers interleaved with eight double-page spreads of woodblock-printed calligraphy. ...
[Two untitled sketchbooks by an amateur artist]
Tanaka, Yūtai [illustrated by].
Ōsaka, Shōwa 11-15 [1936-1940]. In manuscript.
Two sketchbooks of stunning landscapes in pencil and watercolours by Tanaka Yūtai, an amateur Yōga (Western-style) artist. Most of the illustrations, which depict factories, ports, ships, people, and landscapes in and around Osak ...
[Untitled work on silk]
[Artist's signature illegible].
[Japan, ca. late Meiji to Taishō period (1900-20s)?]. In manuscript.
A simple but elegant painting on silk of a beautiful woman, from around the early twentieth century.
One illustration hand-painted on a silk scroll. A few creases and marks, extremities frayed in places. Na ...
Zenyo ichimishū ["Collection of one group's Zen satiation"]
Taki, Katei, Ō, Kinko, Kimura, Shōsen ... [et al.] [illustrated by].
[Japan, ca. 1850-60s]. In manuscript.
An album of one single-page and seven double-page spreads of handwritten calligraphy and twelve double-page spreads of hand-painted illustrations (often together with shorter calligraphic passages). T ...Zuanchō ["Album of designs"]
[Takada, Kakushū (illustrated by)?].
Kyōto: Misona, [ca. late Meiji to early Taishō period (1900-10s)?]. In manuscript.
A concertina-folding album of 97 hand-painted designs tipped-in to card leaves. The work is identified as the "ninth collection" on the outer title panel, indicating that the company that produced the d ...
Ranjin Tokoromi Gachirin Shinzu ["True Image of the Moon, as Observed by the Dutch"]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan, ca. mid to late Edo period (18th century to early 19th century)]. Manuscript on paper, mounted on fabric scroll.
A fanciful rendering of the face of the moon, complete with Western ships and explanatory text purporting that 'Westerners ...
[Ca. Meiji 36 to 44 (1903-1911)]. In manuscript.
A set of four books of skillfully hand-painted flowers and animals, presumed to be by the same, unknown, Japanese artist. Most of the illustrations are captioned with the name of the flower/plant pictured and the date the sketch was made, suggesting that the books were used as ‘sketchbook diaries’ ...
[An Edo period omikuji box]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan: workshop unidentified, ca. mid to late Edo period (1700-1850s?)].
A lacquer box used for omikuji fortune telling, hand-crafted in the Edo period. Omikuji boxes, typically used at temples and shrines, contain bamboo strips, each of which is captioned by hand with a different 'level' of luck ...
[An untitled set of fan designs]
Inouye, Toshio [produced by].
Kyōto: Toshio Inouye, [ca. late Meiji to early Shōwa period (1900-20s)?].
A set of six hand-painted drafts for fan designs produced by "Toshio Inouye" of Kyoto (probably a fan shop or design studio). Four of the designs have been painted on fabric that is mounted on paper. The o ...
[An album of circular motifs]
[Artist unidentified].
[Japan, ca. early to mid-Meiji period (1860-90s)?]. Manuscript.
A hand-painted album of fifteen circular floral designs by an unidentified artist. Each motif is captioned with the name of the flower or plant depicted. The illustrations were originally painted on a scroll, which has been bound concertina- ...
[Collection of hand-painted patterns]
[Illustrator/s unidentified].
[Japan, ca. early Shōwa period (1930s)?].
A collection of 114 pattern designs for fabrics, hand-painted on paper and produced around the 1930s. Some of the patterns (possibly designed for yūzen dyeing) are bound together with paper ties, others are loose. Several (if not all) of the patte ...
Giga hichō ["Secret notebook of caricatures"]
Kimonoashi [preface (and illustrations?) by].
[Japan, preface dated Shōwa 7 (1932)]. Manuscript.
An album of twenty caricatures in pen and ink by an unidentified artist. The work includes a three-leaf preface dated Shōwa 7 (1932) in which political problems in Manchuria are described and the importance of ...
[Hanging scroll by Tsuda Seifū]
Tsuda, Seifū [painted by].
[Japan], Shōwa 47 [1972]. In manuscript.
A hanging scroll featuring a self-portrait painted by the highly acclaimed artist and graphic designer Tsuda Seifū (1880-1978) when he was 93. The calligraphy (also by Seifū) includes references to tanroku-bon, the shinnai jōruri song Ranchō, and the Car ...
[Hanging scroll of two rabbits]
[Kitazawa], Rakuten [painted by].
[Japan, ca. late Meiji to Taishō period (1900-20s)?]. In manuscript.
A hanging scroll painted by the manga artist Kitazawa Rakuten (1876-1955), featuring two rabbits in snow, an arrow, and the Japanese proverb "He who chases two hares catches neither". Rakuten was an influential cartoonist a ...
Hicchō-jō ["An album of spontaneous brushstrokes"]
Yamamoto, Gyōhō, Kobayashi, Eikō ... [et al.] [illustrated by].
[Japan, ca. late Meiji period (1907?)]. Manuscript.
An album of paintings and calligraphic works by ten artists and calligraphers. The volume includes calligraphy by Nakane Hanrei (1831-1914), Nagasaka Sekitai (1845-1924), and Yoshida Banka (d ...
Hittatsu Sensei Bokumyō ["Exquisite Paintings by Teacher Hittatsu"]
Kunii, [Seinosuke] [illustrated by]; Fuyō, Mokuyō [Suzuki, Fuyō] [postscript by?].
Hamura, [Edo (Tokyo)?], Bunka 10 [1813]. In manuscript.
A handscroll by the artist Kunii Seinosuke of landscapes and birds in a nanga or bunjinga (literati painting) style. Kunii (dates of birth and death un ...
[Untitled collection of hand-painted and printed illustrations]
[Illustrators unidentified].
[Japan: Ōtsuka Kōgei-sha ... (et al.), ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1920-30s)?].
A miscellany of printed and hand-painted illustrations on paper and card. At least five of the shikishi (poem and art cards) have been hand-painted. Two of the shikishi feat ...
[Untitled scroll of feather patterns]
[Creator unidentified].
[Japan, ca. mid to late Edo period (1800-1840s)?]. In manuscript.
A handscroll recording 42 types of feathers used in arrow-making. Each illustration is captioned with a number and the name of the pattern depicted. Most of the feathers used in arrow-making in Japan were taken from birds of prey, ...
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