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Dai-hiden Hakusajin-shū (Collection of People of the White Sand: Extremely Secret Transmissions) Secret transmissions on haikai poetry from Matsuo Bashō
Secret transmissions on haikai poetry from Matsuo Bashō

Dai-hiden Hakusajin-shū (Collection of People of the White Sand: Extremely Secret Transmissions)


Dai-hiden Hakusajin-shū ["Collection of People of the White Sand: Extremely Secret Transmissions"]; Hisho Yōketsu ["Key Points of Secret Volumes"]; Haikai Shinshinshiki ["New Forms of Haikai"]

[Matsuo, Bashō (attributed to)]; Morikawa, Kyoriku [original text by]; [Yūsetsuan, Kōmyō (hand-copied by)?].

[Japan, ca. mid to late Edo period (1720-1850s)?]. In manuscript. 


A manuscript volume containing three works - Hakusajin-shū (白砂人集), Hisho Yōketsu (秘書要決), and Haikai Shinshinshiki (俳諧新々式) - on the composition of haikai, renga, haiku, and other forms of traditional Japanese poetry. The famous poet Matsuo Bashō (1644-1694) is said to have originally transmitted the three works (possibly in manuscript form) to Morikawa Kyoriku (a samurai from Ōmi Province and one of Bashō's pupils; also known as Gorōsei Kyoroku or Kyoriku (1656–1715)) around Genroku 6 (1693). Kyoriku gave a copy of Hakusajin-shū in his own hand to one of his disciples in Shōtoku 5 (1715) and is recorded as having handwritten a copy of Haikai Shinshinshiki in Hōei 6 (1709). This manuscript copy's defining feature is that the front matter includes a description and diagram (with dimensions) of the manuscript (described as "sent from Kyoriku") from which this copy is said to have been made. A previous owner's detailed notes have also been tipped-in to the lower pastedown, recording that the volume is believed to have been copied directly from the manuscripts made by Kyoriku. This previous owner adds that the original copy of Hakusajin-shū handwritten by Kyoriku was previously in the collection of the haikai scholar Sugiura Shoichiro (1911-1957); it is now said to be in the collection of Tenri Central Library. 
One four-hole-bound (yotsumetoji) volume, complete, on double leaves, traditional East Asian binding style (fukurotoji). Presumed original lower wrapper bound-in to later wrappers. All wrappers worn and lightly soiled. Ex-owner's inscription and tipped-in notes to lower pastedown. Browning and occasional minor stains internally. Ex-ownership stamp to upper free endpaper. [38] leaves. 23.1 x 16 cm.

# 240128-5
Dai-hiden Hakusajin-shū (Collection of People of the White Sand: Extremely Secret Transmissions)

Price: $680.00 (USD)

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Edo Period [1603-1853] Bakumatsu Period [1853-1868] Meiji Period [1868-1912] Taishō Period [1912-1926] Shōwa Period [1926-1989]

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