Untitled painting of a monkey A simple and clever painting on silk, ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1920-40s)? US$340.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
Untitled surimono A spring-themed surimono by an unidentified artist, ca. Meiji period (1870-1900s)? US$120.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Miyako Odori (The Miyako Dance) An English-Japanese album of Miyako Odori dancers, Meiji 35 (1902). US$1,280.00
▶ Japanese Literature
Bojutsu Yumemonogatari (Dream Story of 1838) A critique of the Morrison Incident, ca. late Edo period (1840-60s?) US$1,860.00
▶ Japanese Literature
Eshi Zōshi (The Story of a Painter) The Story of a Painter, previously owned by the artist Tomioka Tessai, ca. Kaei period (1849)? US$4,260.00
▶ Japanese Literature
Collection of set designs Striking set designs for Japanese plays, ca. early to mid-Shōwa period (1930-70s)? US$4,360.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
[Untitled painting of a woman daydreaming] Daydream of a sea voyage, ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1910-30s)? US$6,480.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
The Ten Bulls A famous Chinese parable, skilfully woodblock printed by master craftsmen, Taishō 3 (1914). US$160.00
▶ Japanese Literature
Amijima Shinjū: Koharu Jihē [The Love Suicide at Amijima: Koharu and Jihē] Transcription of a performance of The Love Suicide at Amijima, Meiji 30 (1897). US$280.00
▶ Classic Illustrated Books
Jurin Shomoku [Catalogue of Works from the Ranks of Confucian Scholars] A manuscript catalogue of books by Confucian authors, ca. Meiji to Taishō period (1880-1910s)? US$480.00
▶ Japanese Literature
Kyōka Momochidori [A Flock of Kyōka Poems] A kyōka album illustrated by Shigenobu, ca. 1830s? US$6,800.00
▶ Classic Illustrated Books
Namamugi Jiken no Tenmatsu: Machibure Ikken no Utsushi [Copy of the Official Notices on the Details of the Namamugi Incident] Collected records of the arrival of British warships in Yokohama, ca. Bunkyū period (1860s)? US$540.00
▶ Japanese Literature
A scroll of examples of Rai San'yō seals A carefully crafted forgery, ca. late Edo to early Shōwa period (1860-1920s?) US$380.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
Three scrolls, featuring Jurōjin and cranes Painted by a pupil of Tenkaikutsu Ganku?, ca. late Edo period (1800-1830s?) US$860.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
Two untitled scrolls signed Yamamoto Shōun Two delicate paintings of flowers and folktale characters, ca. Meiji period (1890-1930s?) US$860.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
The Demon Queller Shōki, with Two Quelled Demons Illustrated by Sōsai Eisen, ca. Meiji period (1880-1890s?) US$1,680.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
Shinmonku Yukari no Tsuki (The Moon of Affinity: New Lyrics) A daring piece of political satire, [ca. Keiō 4 (1868)]. US$960.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Kanadehon Chūshingura, Dai-Kudanme (The Treasury of Loyal Retainers: Act Nine) A snowy scene from the Forty-Seven Rōnin, [ca. Edo period (1830-40s?)]. US$280.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Tagoto-hime, Jiraiya (Tagoto-hime and Jiraiya) Jiraiya and Princess Tagoto, by Kunisada I, [1852]. US$380.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Udaijin Michizane Kō (Minister of the Right, Michizane) Sugawara no Michizane, by Kunisada I, [1860]. US$380.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Jiyū no Kotowari (On Liberty) The first Japanese translation of Mill's On Liberty, Meiji Mizunoesaru [1872]. US$780.00
▶ Translations of Western Texts
Untitled omocha-e woodblock print Cut-out-and-play paper figures in Western attire, [ca. early Meiji period (1870-1880s)]. US$330.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Yamakawa Furiwake Sugoroku (A Game Sheet of Mountains and Rivers Divided) A large sugoroku game sheet constructed from ōban prints, [Kōka 4 (1847) - Kaei 5 (1852)]. US$780.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Mahometto-den (A Biography of Muhammad) Japan's first major encounter with Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, Meiji 9 [1876]. US$1,860.00
▶ Translations of Western Texts
Yowamushi Korokoro Goton Jūton no Zu (Roly-Poly Cowards: Pigs with Five Heads and Ten Bodies) Yoshiiku's satire on the Sino-Japanese War, ca. Meiji 28 [1895]. US$1,380.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Sentakusho yori Nomishirami Kadomo he Onmōshi-idashi no Koto narabi ni Mushi Sanka Nakama yori Sentakujo he Negai Izuru Koto (A Formal Statement from a Laundry to Fleas, Lice, and Mosquitoes, together with a Humble Request from the Three Groups of Insects A letter of complaint to insects, ca. late Edo period (1840-50s?). US$580.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Manpō Eitai Shin-zassho: Nihon-zu-iri (New Miscellany of Countless Eternal Treasures, with a Map of Japan) Portable information on fortune-telling, astrology, dates, and geography, ca. Bunka 8 (1811). US$280.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Untitled sugoroku game A performance-themed sugoroku, ca. late Edo period (1800-1840s?). US$380.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Tomonoura Harbour An unfinished Yoshida Hiroshi print, 1985. US$580.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Two untitled sketchbooks by an amateur artist Stunning watercolours of Japan, Shōwa 11-15 (1936-1940). US$2,180.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
Seiyō Bunkenroku (Record of Things Seen and Heard about the West) On British politics, customs, and society, Meiji 2-4 (1869-1871). US$1,260.00
▶ Japanese Literature
Mitate Hakkei: Yashima Sekishō (Selection for the Eight Views: Evening Glow at Yashima) An unusual triptych by Kuniyoshi featuring a close-up cartouche, 1846. US$1,260.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Album of works by calligraphers and artists Skilful sketches by little-known artists, ca. late Meiji to Taishō period (1900-20s)? US$480.00
▶ Paintings & Scrolls
Atagoyama no Zu (View from Mt. Atago) By Kobayashi Kiyochika, Meiji 11 (1878). US$980.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Tsūzoku Isoppu Monogatari (Aesop's Popular Fables) Aesop's Fables, illustrated by Kawanabe Kyōsai, Meiji 5-6 (1872-1873). US$2,050.00
▶ Translations of Western Texts
Dokuhin Benran (Guide to Poisonous Things) = Poisonous Plants: I. Collection An illustrated guide to poisonous Japanese plants, Meiji 11 (1878). US$680.00
▶ Classic Illustrated Books
Shihonron (Das Kapital) The definitive pre-war translation of Marx's Das Kapital, Shōwa 2-3 (1927-1928). US$780.00
▶ Translations of Western Texts
Shochū O-utagai (Summer Greetings) Cooling woodblock-printed matchbox cards designed for summer, Shōwa 8 (1933). US$75.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Three woodblock-printed envelopes Charming designs by Ogawa Usen, ca. early to mid-Shōwa period (1930-40s)? US$65.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Hashimotoya Shiraito no Hanashi (The Story of Shiraito of Hashimoto-ya) A diptych by Yoshitoshi, Meiji 19 (1886). US$680.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Set of four garments Early nineteenth-century garments with kamon crests, ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1920-40s)? US$180.00
▶ Others
Ōiri (Full House), ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1910-30s)? US$75.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Eiwa Tsūshin (English-Japanese Transmissions) A miniature book for English learners, Meiji 20 (1888). US$280.00
▶ Japanese Literature
The Great War of 1870 between France and Germany On the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871, Meiji 4 (1871). US$480.00
▶ Translations of Western Texts
Shiroto Jōjuri Shikata Mitate: Chūshingura Nanatsume Monku (Methods of Jōjuri Amateurs: Seven Phrases from The Treasury of Loyal Retainers) Phrases commonly used by amateur jōjuri actors, ca. late Edo period (1830-40s)? US$400.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Tōsei Karitaku Saiken Kagami (Mirror of a Guide to Temporary Lodgings) Book culture meets print culture, Bunkyū 2 (1862). US$350.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Untitled fan print A fan print by Kamisaka Sekka, ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1920-40s)? US$300.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Shichifukujin (Seven Lucky Gods) Match cards featuring the Seven Lucky Gods, ca. Taishō to early Shōwa period (1920-30s)? US$75.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Four untitled woodblock prints from Sekka's Ashide-e Elegant ashide-e by Kamisaka Sekka, Shōwa 19 (1944). US$350.00
▶ Prints and Ephemera
Noshi Shinpon (New Book of Noshi) Over 250 woodblock-printed noshi decorations for gifts, ca. early Meiji period (1870-90s). US$1,680.00
▶ Modern Art and Design Books